hotmagnets – OUTTAKE INTAKE cassette plus bonus 1 inch badge.
Outtake Intake – A collection of songs not included on Hotmagnets’ 2021 album Omega Chemicals. Whilst that album flew by like a Saturday morning cartoon with 6 tracks in 30 gloriously cohesive minutes, Outtake Intake shows off the longer and more roughly hewn songs written around the same time. For an assortment of odds and sods to sound this damn good is testament to the embarrassment of riches former SEKIDEN & Undead Apes whiz-kid Hot Magnets is digging out of the damn dirt. Flex. The 9 songs here are more Kraut and modular than previous work, without losing the melodic sensibilities and propulsion that made Omega Chemicals so hard to take off the record player, locked groove induced mania withstanding.
Outtake Intake gives us a wide-angle view of Hot Magnet’s sonic inclinations, starting with the towering drench of Blade Runner synth on Van Jellies, to modular joys like Phases Phrases, Mello Jello and Peanut Butter. And oh, the joys. Put down your fidget spinners restless youth. The wash and thrum of these tracks is the salve our dead heads require.
The one two punch of La Nina / El Nino is an early apex. 70s cop show guitar and fuzz bass over an incessant oscillation gives way to feedback in La Nina before segueing into the near full-blown synth wave of El Nino. Oh fuck! I exclaim loudly to nobody as the track zags midpoint for a moment before bringing it all back home. We ride.
Kite gives us unbridled melodic excursions and wobble; computer pop reminiscent of YMO. Music for USB ports is a long meander in the forest at night before the magnificent Krautrock excursion of RandomADR closes out the album, rewinding us with care until the big guitars and motorik beat arrive to carry the faithful back to some strange beginning. Ahh. That was nice. Where was I?
hotmagnets – OUTTAKE INTAKE cassette plus bonus 1 inch badge.
Van Jellies
Phases Phrases
Mello Jello
La Nina
El Nino
Peanut Butter
Music for USB Ports
Phases Phrases
Mello Jello
La Nina
El Nino
Peanut Butter
Music for USB Ports
DIGITAL out FEB 3 Bandcamp
And all other streaming energy outtakes.